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$92.06 recharge will apply 75 + 5 tickets to your Wild Ticket Card.
*Pier admissions taxable @ 8.625%--i.e., NJ sales tax, 6.625% + Cape May County Tourism tax, 2%
$170.31 recharge will apply 150 + 10 tickets to your Wild Ticket Card.
$243.96 recharge will apply 280 + 20 tickets to your Wild Ticket Card.
$92.06 (*plus $7.94 tax) recharge will apply 75 +5 tickets to your Wild Ticket Card.
$170.31 (*plus $14.69 tax) recharge will apply 150 + 10 tickets to your Wild Ticket Card.
$243.96 (*plus $21.04 tax) recharge will apply 280 + 20 tickets to your Wild Ticket Card.